Is anthing really needed to said why they should not continue the series???
Even though they were doong the series in an XBLA game, I would like to se Mr. Fancy Pants to go back to his orginal roots, the era of flash. Although the first one was great, the second one was even better!!! They even had an demo to just show off the second game!!! There was secret levls, costumes, and a lot more. If the second game was amzin, just imangine if they did a third one!!!!
Armor Mayehm:
Ah, the lost raze game....
This game was a understated game, espically today, with the games like Raze and Plazma Burst. To Honest though, this game destrys the both of them, with its different features. First off, the command feature. Telling your allies what to do and where to do it, is amazing. Another thing, the animation desgn. Everytihng is falling soaring dropping to the ground, unlike raze, you wonder why the heck there just an random assualt riffle just floating on an red cylinder. But AM, they showthe wepon packs falling from the ground, comming from support ships. To be honest as well, I like the polt as more than raze. If they made an AM 2, it would be an surpreme hit.
Holy Geez, what an game this was. Recall Colony???? Maybe not.
First off Colony was those kind of games that made you tremble beofre it. Although the game itself was very confusing on how to playing, this game introduced a lot of firsts. Talking to the allies, literally, ya man it had it!!! Your allies would talk to you, and depending on what and when you said your comment, your ally was to comment back. The art design were aboulsutely amazing. The victory and defeat screens, along with the loading screen, was beyond amazing. Also, this game had multiplayer, which was also sick. If they did a sequel, this game should do and Armor Games Account Save.
Dimond Hollow:
Ah Saga, you da man....
Even though there was dimonand hollow 2, it would still be nice to see a dimonand hollow 3 or something. Why? Well, first off, this game was a very lenghty game, one level, with finding all the collectibles and secrets, would probably take 20-40 minitues. This is probably one of Fixels well known games, and I can see the reason why. This was a game that also had rpg elements, with also upgrades. From auto-fire, to scope, to even Four guns, this in fact a pleasure. I will admit though, it takes forever just to find your your second gun, but there alot of achievements to find, it is one fine game.
Prince of War:
Remeber this game????? I sure do!!! This was basically such an amzing stragery/. beat em up!! First game, not anything speical, I will admit, with simple graphics and stuff. But I'll admit, the whole healing thing and calling in reniforcemnets was pretty sick. But the second PoW is what really caught my eye. Having the diffferenent types of enemies, all them could be accessed at different times, was pretty sick. I would be surpirsed if Armor Games made a Prince of War 3. This one game that sure needs an rebirth....
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