Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Must needed comic book/ video games character battles:

Wanted a new blog, well here it is!!!!!

Mega Man vs Iron Man:

First I think we should start off really slow. This would be such an amazing verus. First off, Megaman not has his megabuster, but has his mech, his dazzling white armor, his dark armor, and did I forget to mention that he is able to use the abilites of his enemies? Also, he is a fair man on using the Z Sabre, though not coming even close to Zero when using this weapon. Ironman, on the other hand, has his signature (yet cheap) uni beam, repulser rays, missles, and onto the those great points, he able to fly. Same time, couldn't mega man just wall jump all the way, or  use an MetalMan's saw blade????? Still though, not enough to beat him. Knowing Tony, he just use fly, and lay it on Rock, permantly. The winner should no other be IronMan, who by the way, has a blazing amount of armor to beat the living snot out of Rock.

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